CCIEv5 Configuration & Troubleshooting Lab 1-4 Questions & Solutions Workbook

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Since July this year myself and Sean Draper have been working on a CCIEv5 Routing and Switching Lab workbook and we finally managed to complete the project.

Over the past 12 years working closely on hundreds of Cisco networks across the UK I can not think of the amount of challenges, issues and requirements I have been confronted with and asked to provide technology solutions that provide business benefits across the entire network and allow businesses continue to function and grow.

This workbook except for real life challenges is also loosely based on the NEW CCIE version 5 R&S exam. There are two main purposes of this workbook, firstly it is to evaluate your technical ability to demonstrate if you are ready to take the CCIE R&S lab exam and secondly to give you a better understanding of what to expect when the exam date is getting closer.

This workbook is primarily aimed at CCIE Routing and Switching candidates, whether you have already passed your certification and want to brush up on your skills, or for those candidates who are in their preparations.

It is assumed that anyone using this workbook has a comprehensive understanding of all technologies from the CCIEv4 and v5 R&S blueprints.

The workbook contains over 40 network diagrams and if you need help setting up any of the labs using Cisco VIRL , Cisco IOU or even GNS3 then please go ahead and let me know.

I am convinced that this workbook will help you learn and study all aspects of CCIE Routing and Switching.

CCIEv5-Configuration & Troubleshooting Lab 1-4 – Questions & Solutions-v1-Release

CCIEv5-Configuration & Troubleshootng Labs – IOU & Initial Configs


Enjoy !
